I am dust crazy. I go to all lengths to keep dust out of my shop. I have a monster central cyclone system and several high end shop vacuums, many with their own small cyclones as well.

The AirExchanger allows you to push the router cooling exhaust air out the sides without affecting the air inside your dust shoe. This allows for a smaller and more efficient shoe.

Third Generation AirExchanger

This is my third generation design. It was my intent that you, the user can make your own AirExchanger using your own CNC machine.

AirExchanger Features

  • Diverts router vent air outside vacuum area. Your dust collector does not have to compete with the vent air, thus requiring smaller vacuum.

  • Provides magnetic mounting mechanism for dust shroud/shoe. Shroudshow is easily removable, even with collet, vacuum hose, and bit attached to router.

  • See through design, Allows you to see the bit while CNC is in operation.

  • Holds your routers spindle wrench in place. This allows one handed collet adjustment. No more dropping bits.

  • Catches up to 99.9% of even the smallest airborne dust when shroud is attached.

  • Supports different sized dust shrouds. Create a shroud for your small bits and another for your large ones.


 The Parts

There are six parts that make up the AirExchanger and

  • Top Base

  • Bottom Base

  • Magnetic Base

  • Shroud/Shoe

  • Spacers

  • Spindle Mounting Bracket

I will cover each part in detail and provide an eps drawing file for each part in each article as they are released.

Drawing File Bundle

In addition to the free drawing file I am providing for each part, I will also be providing more extensive drawing file assortment for a nominal fee. This bundle can be found here:

AirExchanger Drawing File Bundle

This bundle also includes Gcode files for making the AirExchanger in various mount sizes. If you decide to use these Gcode files, I do recommend you do a dry run first without a bit installed in your machine.

Making the Components

Base Stock

The following components will be milled each from 4, 8” x 10” x .093” pieces of polycarbonate.

  • Top Base

  • Bottom Base

  • Magnetic Base

  • Shroud Assembly

This size and thickness of polycarbonate sheet are sold as picture frame/window glass replacements and can be found at most home centers and craft stores.

Steps used to make these parts consists of the following.

  • Mount stock on waste board

  • Machine the mounting holes

  • Drill pilot holes for screws

  • Insert holding screws

  • Machine the profiles

Spacer/Mount Stock

The spacers and spindle mount components are made from 1/2” thick expanded PVC.

Expanded PVC is now available at many home centers. If your local home center does not sell it in small enough sheets, you can also purchase it on line.

The all the spacers can be cut out of a single pieces 5” x 6” x 1/2”.

The front and rear spindle mounts can be cut out of 2, pieces 5” x 7” x 1/2”

The spacers are cut much like that of the base materials:

  • Mount stock on waste board

  • Machine the mounting holes

  • Drill pilot holes for screws

  • Insert holding screws

  • Machine the profiles

The spindle mounting components are done a little different:

  • Mount the stock on waste board

  • Machine both the mounting holes and profiles

  • Remove the parts and remove the tabs.

I will start out making all the base components, then move to the spacers and spindle mounts. Once all the components have been completed, I will move on to the final assembly.